If you found anything interesting on this site then here is a list of friends and collaborators which you might want to check out:
Collaborators and closely related research groups
Prof. Dieter Jaksch, Quantum Systems Engineering Group, [Link]
Prof. Andrea Cavelleri, Quantum Condensed Matter Dynamics Group, [Link]
Prof. Vlatko Vedral, Frontiers of Quantum Physics Group, [Link]
Prof. Simon Benjamin, Quantum and Nanotechnology Theory Group, [Link]
Prof. Martin Plenio, Controlled Quantum Dynamics Group, [Link]
Dr. Javier Prior, Quantum Many-body Systems Group, [Link]
Prof. Peter Zoller, Quantum Optics Theory Group, [Link]
Prof. Andrew Daley, Computational Non-linear and Quantum Optics Theory Group, [Link]
Dr. Jacob Biamonte, Quantum Complex Networks Group, [Link]
Dr. Michael Hartmann, Photonics and Quantum Sciences Group, [Link]
Prof. Sandu Popescu, Quantum Information and Computation Group, [Link]
Useful pages
Quantum Oxford - an overview of all the groups at Oxford doing quantum related work [Link]
University of Stuttgart unit converter - for when some chemist gives you frequencies in cm-1 [Link]
Detexify - a nice tool that finds latex symbol by you drawing them with your mouse [Link]
The "unofficial DMRG" page - an up-to-date list of just about every paper ever written on the topic [Link]
InterfaceLift - a massive database of freely available high-res backgrounds [Link]
My namesake - another Stephen Clark working on completely different things, although we have both worked at Keble College [Link]
Library genesis - very useful but not entirely legal database of book PDFs, Google it for yourself ...